Article #30: NS 123 w/ Wabash Heritage Unit SD70ACe 1070 Oyama Yard Hickory, NC (October 12, 2019)


In this new article we see NS 123 eastbound manifest back on October 12, 2019 with the Wabash Heritage Unit 1070 leading the way towards Linwood Yard near Salisbury, NC. 123 was one of the regular trains on the line at that time, it usually had two or three engines up front and one or two in the middle serving as mid train DPU's.

Here is a second view of 1070.
ES40DC 7612 trailing second.
SD70ACe 1064 trailing third.
1070 going by Oyama Yard.
1070 going by the east end of the yard.

1064 trailing thrird by the east end of the yard.
