Article #11: NS 744 w/ Lehigh Valley Heritage Unit 8104 Catawba, NC (January 9, 2021)
In this new article we are looking at a train that was seen almost four years ago back in January 2021. The train was NS 744 which was a loaded coal train from Salisbury, NC to Catawba, NC and we see the train at Milepost S39 in Catawba with the Lehigh Valley Heritage Unit 8104 trailing second. The train usually has one or two locomotives on the head end and the rear, once they get to Catawba the crew switches ends of the train to take the train the opposite direction into Plant Marshall which is in Sherrill's Ford, NC.
Here is a good side view of 8104.
The other locomotive on the train was SD70ACC 1816.
Here is a front view of 1816.
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